Daniel William Jones made Caldwell history twice in one day. On Monday, September 22, 1879, he made his first arrest as registered in the court docket. He also got a write-up in the Caldwell Post (Thursday, September 25 issue) but not for this arrest.
+ While on duty that Monday night, he happened to be in one of Caldwell’s “fashionable” hotels (perhaps the St. James, or St. Nicholas, or Pacific House) when he needed a bathroom break. Poor lighting or maybe his haste for relief found him inside the women’s rather than the men’s room.
+ “About this time a lady attempted to enter but was foiled by Dan turning the inside latch,” the paper said. “The lady hastened away, but soon returned with the key (this is not a romance), locked, unlocked, and relocked and finally left to return no more.”
+ Dan Jones was trapped, locked in from outside.
+ “Dan is equal to all opportunities,” the paper continued, “and [he] began trying to extricate himself from his odorous prison. There is a seat in the room just opposite the door upon which Dan sat himself down, put his feet against the door and with [He-man] like strength pushed the door asunder, and at the same instant back went Dan’s revolver down, down to the bottomless – after which a light was brought into requisition. It [the gun] was fished up, a tub of water, barrel of soft soap and a scrubbing brush were readily used up and the pistol looks as natural as ever, and if the street gossip don’t mention this we will never say a word about it to Dan.”
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